Public companies work hand in hand with private finance companies.

Managing a public project is hard. DTA public finance is available to ensure that a public project is well managed, comes in on time, uses resources correctly, is open and transparent, and at the end of the day, meets the expectations of the public. A public project often inherits staff. These staff are experienced in many factors and phases of public projects and are always the best people to work with, but sometimes they might need some help or consulting. They might be in need of some in-house workplace training, especially if this is a project which is new to them. They might need guidance and support and this is supplied by a DTA company. They provide the support, the guidance and the consulting, not only in the financial sector but in all the sectors, that you require. Public and private come together to ensure the success of the public project.

Why not keep it all in house

There are many reasons why public projects need finance DTA and why they cannot keep it all in-house. Public projects have got to manage their finances and all details correctly; there can be no mistakes, no single small error of judgement. Public projects are not using private money, they are using tax payer’s money. They are responsible to the taxpayers, to the community, to the city, and have got to use their money in the most open and accountable way there is. If they keep things internal, there is no transparency, and even if there is, there is nobody to check on the transparency. A private financial consulting company does the checks and balances. They make sure there are no irregularities. They make sure the public company uses the private person’s money, you the taxpayer, responsibly and without error.

DTA public finance work with public projects all the time. 


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