
Showing posts from August, 2024

Arranging finance for public-private partnership project - not that difficult!

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have emerged as a popular mechanism for delivering infrastructure and public services worldwide. These collaborative agreements between government entities and private sector companies are designed to leverage the strengths of both sectors to complete projects that benefit the public. One of the critical aspects of executing a successful PPP is arranging the necessary DTA finance . Understanding Public-Private Partnerships Before diving into the financing aspect, it’s important to understand what a PPP entails. In a typical PPP, the public sector partners with private companies to design, build, finance, and sometimes operate infrastructure or services. The private partner usually takes on significant risk and responsibility, such as construction, financing, and operational risks, while the public sector may provide land, permits, and other forms of support. Sources of Financing for PPP Projects 1.       Equity Financing: In many PPPs, the pri